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Tonight, June 1st, 2023, starts the beginning of the NBA Finals between the #1 seed Denver Nuggets and the 8th seed Miami Heat. Both have been considered “underdogs” throughout the season, but this will be the Nuggets first time EVER making it to the Finals. I will undoubtedly be watching this game tonight and placing some bets- and you should too. Because I mean, seriously, even if you don’t watch sports normally, who doesn’t love a good ole underdog story? But here at FEMMESPIRE Media our focus is to bring more exposure and awareness to all the bad-ass, inspiring ladies in Sports, Entertainment and life in general. To bring encouragement and hope to as many people as possible (although especially for women and teen girls who often feel like underdogs, particularly in an industry focused on men). And the WNBA season is FINALLY in full swing. So that’s what I’ll be focusing on here today. It was a sloppy, rocky start, full of face-palm moments at first (I’m looking at you my New York Liberty). But now a couple weeks in, the ladies and most of the teams in the league seem to have finally found their groove. So, what better time than now to share some of the most encouraging, inspiring and empowering quotes from some of the most talented ladies in professional basketball? Because even if you feel like an underdog, or like you can’t “get it together” fast enough, I want to remind you that you’re worth more than you know and it’s never too late to turn your life around or pursue your dreams. You can get to wherever in your heart is calling you…eventually…just like these strong, talented, ambitious ladies have. It might never lead you to an NBA or WNBA Final, but you can have an amazing life either way. Let these ladies’ positive words help drive you. Let's get #Femmespired “You cannot achieve unless you believe in yourself. You are more capable than you think.”
“You don’t have to be the best… but you have to be YOUR best.”
“Never let the fear of failing discourage you from trying.”
“If you aren’t one of those top-caliber athletes, you have to take one thing you’re good at and really excel and improve in that.”
“Be confident in the pursuit of what sets your soul on fire. Sure, you’ll encounter challenges here and there, but use them as motivation to try even more. Find ways around and/or through your obstacles.”
“I’m a bit of a perfectionist, but you have to know you’re going to make mistakes. It’s how you respond to those mistakes that counts.”
“Your passion and dedication can’t be some-time, part-time or spare time. It has to be all-time.”
“Believe that your dreams will come to life.”
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Broadway musicals. They are a magical experience of song, dance, glittery costumes, lights and energy. They have the ability to lift you up when you’re down, empower you to dream big, reach for the stars, and remind you to never give up. So that’s what this is. A list of the best songs from Broadway musicals that will help kick you out of your complacency and encourage you to pursue the best life possible. It’s time to get inspired. 1. “No More Wasted Time” – If/Then: The Musical A song reminding you to stop looking back and living in regret. You only get one life, so don’t waste any more of it not living authentically and to the fullest. 2. “Defying Gravity” – Wicked This song is about pursuing your dreams even when others don’t believe in you. Don’t let anyone try to hold you down. If they do, they were never really for you to begin with. Haters gonna hate. But you can still get great satisfaction out of proving them wrong. 3. “My Shot” – Hamilton Get on fire, get determined, and most importantly don’t give up. When others try to convince you of all the reasons why you are not good enough, qualified, or capable – you put this song on and get pumped up! 4. “Seize the Day” – The Newsies A good reminder to seize the opportunity, not be afraid and stand up to your giants in life. You are fully capable, especially when you have friends on your side. 5. “When I Climb to the Top of Mount Rock” – School of Rock Another good one to empower you to keep pursuing your dreams and prove all the naysayers and doubters wrong. 6. “Man Up” – The Book of Mormon Man up reminds us to own up to our mistakes and take charge of our lives once and for all. No more being complacent and just following the crowd. When we become the hero of our own lives, great things happen. 7. “Another Day” – Rent “There’s only us. There’s only this. Forget regret, or life is yours to miss. No other road. No other way. No day but today...” Best. Lyric. Ever. So yea, enjoy your life. You only get one. 8. “Let it Go” – Frozen This song might have gotten annoying from being played everywhere when it first came out, but the message is great. Whenever you’re having a bad day, people are pissing you off and you just want to say F@!K everybody, put this on your playlist and just Let it Go… 9. “Change It” – 9 to 5 This song from the Dolly Parton composed musical, is a reminder to not settle in life. If you’re not happy with how your life is going, get proactive, and do something to change it. You are stronger than you think you are. 10. “Tomorrow” – Annie Now, who doesn’t brighten up when they hear this song? An oldie but a classic anthem that reminds you your problems are only temporary and to not lose hope. Today might feel like the sky is falling on you, but the sun will come out tomorrow if you don’t give up. 11. “Cross the Line” – Bring it On OK, I admit, I’ve never actually seen this musical. But I know many of its songs. They will pump you up to never give up and not let your dreams die even when others might be against you and secretly hoping to watch you fall on your ass. This song reminds you to take a chance and to push yourself to reach your fullest potential. 12. “Chip on My Shoulder” – Legally Blonde This song should inspire you to take your frustrations and misfortune in life, turn them around and use them for good. Let the very things that you thought were holding you back be a catalyst to propel you into the life of your dreams. Use that fire in your heart for something amazing. You will not regret it. 13. “This is the Moment” – Jekyl & Hyde A slower one than i usually like to share. But the message in this song is great. No matter where you are on your journey, THIS is the moment to decide to let go of the past, pursue your dreams, and create the life you want. I might add to this list later, but this is a good start for now.
What are some of your favorite, most inspiring and uplifting songs from Broadway musicals? Share them in the comments section. The Blog Tags Widget will appear here on the published site.
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The first and most important step to creating the life you want is to know who you are. And I mean who you really are, deep inside. Not the version of yourself you hope to one day become, not who you used to be or how your abusive ex made you feel, and not who your mother or best friend or boss or anyone else says you are. Who YOU REALLY ARE. Deep inside. In your heart. That broken, occasionally knocked down, emotionally scarred, weak, and completely unqualified for whatever huge dream you secretly harbor in your heart of hearts version of you. That part you hate about yourself. The parts you love about yourself and wish the world could see. All of it. But that ugly part that you hope and pray no one will see, and spend your entire life trying to hide, change and improve. That is the part you have to embrace. To find who you truly are, you have to be vulnerable. You have to be honest and real. It might be painful at times, but it will always end up being worth it. Now the flipside to this, and the next important step to creating the life you want, is to accept who you’re not. This one is probably the hardest for most people. At least it was for me. I spent my whole life trying to be good at things, to fix what I was weak at, often to the point of literal kicking and screaming in anger and frustration when it wasn’t going how I planned. I wasted so much time comparing myself to other people- my friends, my family members, everyone - I hated myself a bit inside for a very long time. But I never would have admit that to anyone. It was a soft spot for me. After all, I grew up in a family I felt like I could never please. Who, especially in my teens and younger years, constantly criticized, insulted, and made me feel worthless and unlovable. It didn’t matter how good I was, or what I did, they would always find that ONE mistake or flaw and focus solely on that. I ultimately developed a people pleasing, fear of rejection, and perfectionism problem, in addition to massive anxiety issues. Which I will cover later. I learned to never be content with myself or anything I did or didn’t do. I would just dwell and beat myself up over every little thing I did wrong or didn’t do “right”. It was TORTURE. Mental and emotional torture. I admit I still struggle with this a lot. But I’ve finally learned to accept who I’m not. In fact, I’m at a point now where I embrace it. It’s very liberating. For instance, in the summer of 2018 I finally left my low paying, high stress job at a printing company and started working as the Social Media Marketing Manager for a non profit in New York. I applied for the position initially thinking it was a general office administrative position where I would also manage their social media accounts. But then came to find out that there was a political element to it. Raising money, political lobbying.. all things I hate. But you know what, I didn’t lie and say I could do it just to get the job (something I would have done in the past because I couldn’t admit failure) That would have been a nightmare. No. I owned up to my weaknesses and confidently shared my strengths and what I had to offer as a unique individual. I admitted I was terrible at cold calling and hated the idea of telefundraising, and that I didn’t know squat about politics (although I’m always down to learn) but what I was experienced and passionate about was media and marketing. I’m a content creator, with an overactive creative mind, and a passion for promoting organizations with missions I care about. I told her about my own budding socially conscious multimedia publishing company Femmespire Media, and how all the tactics I use on that could be applied to their company and then some. I was very enthusiastic and confident in this side to say the least. But most importantly, I didn’t shy away from exposing my weaknesses. And it worked out. Now I work a flexible marketing job, creating and promoting meaningful content, for a boss who values my strengths, doesn’t chastise me for my weaknesses, and pays me better than any other job I've ever had. All while I work on finishing this book and build my own media empire. Will it always be easy? No. Will I be working at this other company forever? Hell no, I plan to someday make a living with my business. But one thing is for certain, I am steps closer to creating the life I want. One that I am satisfied with RIGHT NOW. One that I can be PROUD to call my own. Because now I know who I am and accept who I’m not. And you can too. It just might take some soul searching, an open mind, and a willingness to let go of the lies you might have been programmed to believe about yourself throughout your life. And I want to help you. But you CAN get there. I have faith in you. The Blog Tags Widget will appear here on the published site.
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